Carsten Deitmer, M.A.

Associate fellow
Research focus »Parties and Party System in Germany after 1990«

Associated Researcher

Kommission für Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien e.V.
Schiffbauerdamm 40
10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 / 2063394-28
Fax: +49 (0)30 / 2063394-50

Research focuses and responsibilities

  • Dissertation project »Christian Democrats in East and West. A History of Communication 1990-2005« (funded by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung) as part of the KGParl research focus »Parties and Party System in Germany after 1990«
  • Former Student assistant in the KGParl edition program »Parliamentary Groups in the German Bundestag (1949–2005)«